
I post regularly on the Uehiro Centre’s Practical Ethics blog. The blog provides ethical analysis of topics in the news and other contemporary issues. Some of my posts are listed below:

Doing More Harm Than Good? Should the Police Always Investigate Non-recent Child Sexual Abuse Cases?

Does late parenthood deprive children of grandparental love?

Virtually reality? The value of virtual activities and remote interaction

In defence of drinking alone

ASMR and Absurdity

Anorexia Nervosa and Deep Brain Stimulation: Philosophical Analysis of Potential Mechanisms

Speculating about technology in ethics

Science and Ethics: Deep brain stimulation for the treatment of anorexia

Should remorseful offenders be punished less harshly?

Where there’s a will there’s a way: Enhancing motivation

How polite must I be to cold callers?

‘He was looking at me funny’: The (limited) rationality of the hostile attribution bias

Mindfulness meditation and implicit bias

Harsher sentences for murder of a police officer: what are the arguments?

When warning is not informing: Alcohol labels will not be as straightforward as cigarette labels

Historical crimes, historical sentences?

Girls should do competitive sports to ‘build confidence and resilience’. Really?

On the ‘right to be forgotten’

“Whoa though, does it ever burn” – Why the consumer market for brain stimulation devices will be a good thing, as long as it is regulated

Computer vision and emotional privacy

Are the reasons why people take illegal drugs relevant to sentencing decisions?

Marathon mice, enhancement and the will to work out

Happiness, meaning and well-being

The new offence of ‘wilful neglect’ – what’s new?

Thorpe Park’s ‘Asylum’ maze is unrealistic. Does this make it more or less inappropriate?

Is compassion a necessary component of healthcare?

Dangerous dogs and proportionate sentencing

‘Losses disguised as wins’: Slot machines and deception

Skin switching, implicit racial bias and moral enhancement

Strict-ish liability? An experiment in the law as algorithm

A reply to ‘Facebook: You are your ‘Likes”

On being private in public

Amnesia and remorse: how much should we expect?

Mind-controlled limbs and redefining the self

Armstrong the Good Giraffe and the Moral Value of Effort